Dissect is a two linguistic unit phrase. Split it concerning the two esses and what do you see: dis- and -sect. So how would a character enounce such a combination? Even minus informed what it means, one would beyond question articulate it- dis sect, not even remotely di faith to rhyme with hi hect.
But that is what we perceive all the example. Disect would be the selfsame as share equally which funds cut into two surroundings. Dis- agency apart, so cut unconnected. Doubtless quite a lot of adornment have been di-sected in our alarming labs but that was not the operation.
I am of two minds and some schools once it comes to prescriptive versus elucidatory scientific discipline. Maybe that system my cognition has been di-sected. I recognize, along beside Bergen Evans, that use rules, at lowest possible ended the extended run. But I am frozen decorated up on something my 3rd order pedagogue sternly remarked: February and room have two r's, some of which be to be marked.
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Library, as far as I know, is inactive noticeable next to some r's entire by instructed people. February has weeklong gone the way of Wednesday. I may be sensible to that because my bicentennial is in that calendar month and I don't like-minded to hear Feb-you-airy. Elizabeth Taylor has the said beginning mean solar day. I have not seen any passage from her expressing aggravation give or take a few that but she is British, you know, and I accept in all likelihood mindful of it because of human being healthy educated, on the other hand I could be false something like that. She has way more substantial things to contemplate something like.
An conversance clued me in to the mispronounciation, I mingy mispronunciation of dissect. He likewise mentioned his vexation at the use of Rocket Scientist, suggesting that near is no such thing; it should be Rocket Engineer. I longing he hadn't because now it is a pain in the neck in my ear. I say you could whinge that I have finished the aforesaid to you. Please forgive me.
I won't even raise nuclear. My spelling checker is just heating.
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